Case study

Interview with DC Water

By Ellen Sowerby
21 June 2023

We interviewed Rona Myers, Fleet Management Data Analyst at DC Water about her experience at the Chevin Customer Conference 2022 and using FleetWave to manage a rolling fleet of around 635, with an additional 1,300 pieces of general assets.   



DC Water, is a water and sewer utility company serving the residents of Washington DC and surrounding jurisdictions such as Maryland and Virginia. They provide drinking water, wastewater collection and treatment with the largest waste water processing plant in the world, as well as maintaining and upgrading public fire hydrants.


How do you use FleetWave in your operation?

‘We use FleetWave to manage our fleet at DC Water. We actually have multiple departments that use FleetWave on some level, but we use FleetWave to track the maintenance of our fleet. We also use it to determine when it is when it’s time to replace vehicles in our fleet.’


What do you like most about FleetWave?
‘For me it’s relatively easy to use, being as though I’m new to fleet and new to FleetWave, I appreciate how easy it is for someone that’s new to it to use.

We also use it to track time for our employees. We have kiosk on the shop floors, where they can clock on and off of work orders. So it actually, you know it’s really nice to have because we can actually see how long it’s taking technicians to work on certain tasks where if we estimate like 2 hours for a task and they’ve been on it for three hours, you know, then we can, you know, we have the ability to say wait, that’s taking a little too long, let’s check and make sure everyone’s okay. So there is a safety aspect in that sense, you know, so it’s actually been really good for us.’


What did you enjoy most about the User Conference?

‘So my company brought me to the event and it’s been great. It’s been very informative, it’s been very interactive and I’ve found a lot of things very useful, particularly as a new user.

And then like the sessions where you know the breakout session where we kind of it’s like a round table discussion of sorts. It gave me a lot of perspective because let me know like my fleet department isn’t the only one facing the challenges that we have. You know it’s kind of common across the board.

So that’s been really, really helpful, but the conference has been great overall.’


What were you looking to achieve from the User Conference?

‘Talking with other people, I see that my fleet is not the only one facing certain challenges. So it’s good to know that we’re not alone in this and we’ve been able to kind of just talk through a few of the challenges and you know, give each other little titbits of information on how we can possibly improve. So that’s been great. It’s very, like I said, it’s very informative. It’s very helpful to have other people in your field here, particularly for someone like me who’s new to this field and to FleetWave. It’s been great for me because you know, like I said, it’s helped me become a little more comfortable with my role in this field.’

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