We've planted 194 trees for customers this Christmas!
Christmas is said to be the most wonderful time of the year – but it’s also the most wasteful. Did you know that at least half of UK adults receive at least one unwanted gift every year!
As an organisation we believe that creating a more sustainable world is essential for future generations to thrive and will continue to carry out initiatives that are environmentally responsible.
That’s why we have replaced corporate gifting with planting each of our customers a tree via MoreTrees, who work with tree planting partners and local communities across the world with projects in Madagascar, Haiti and Kenya.

By planting these trees under our clients’ names, we are contributing to the reduction of their Scope 1 emissions. So, investing in FleetWave not only empowers users to better manage their fleets, but also helps to create a more sustainable environment.
By planting these trees we are also helping to sequester harmful emissions, while providing co-benefits such as water filtration, shelter, food sources, poverty alleviation and biodiversity as well as contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This year our Christmas gifts have offset 58 tonnes of CO2!
To date, we have planted 754 trees, with 661 of those trees dedicated to our valued clients. This is set to sequester around 226 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of 552,000 miles of car travel.
We all know climate change is harming our planet, but if we all make a small change, we can make a big impact.
Learn more about our current initiatives and plans for the future with our blog ‘Our Journey to Sustainability’