Case study

Save the Children improves global fleet visibility with FleetWave

By Ellen Sowerby
17 October 2023

We have been working with Save the Children since 2022 when they first implemented FleetWave to manage over 1500 vehicles and assets.

Save the Children International operate a range of assets including sedans, SUV’s, 4 x 4’s, minibuses, motorbikes and even boats for areas that experience frequent flooding. FleetWave is currently being used in 13 Country Offices and this is likely to increase to more than 40 as they continue to roll out our software.

As an organisation our mission is to support the most marginalized and deprived children. A lot of them are in places that are hard to access and have challenging country contexts such as warzones, extreme weather events or natural disasters. We need to be able to access our beneficiaries physically in order to bring them health, education and child protection programmes. So we need to be able to get our staff out to those sometimes very remote sites and challenging geographies and it’s really important that we have a safe and reliable fleet to do that.

Chui-Lynn Chew
Senior Project Manager for Fleet Transformation

We spoke to Chui-Lynn Chew, at Save the Children to find out how moving from using manual spreadsheets to our FleetWave software has provided better visibility over their global fleet.


What are the specific challenges of running your fleet?

“Our biggest challenges are around operating in volatile political contexts and areas prone to natural disasters. For example, in Ukraine we previously had almost no fleet there and then we required a significant number of vehicles really rapidly. We do a lot of humanitarian context and scenario planning, but managing a fleet in these types of contexts is still challenging.

We also operate in geographic locations with poor road conditions or low internet coverage and in places where it can be difficult to access maintenance. So, it’s really important for us to be able to understand where our fleet is located and how it’s being used.”


What are some of the key wins you’ve seen so far with FleetWave?

“Some of the key wins are getting better quality data about our fleet. FleetWave is a key enabler for our Fleet Transformation programme, which includes establishing the right size of our fleet and properly cost recovering it.”


What features do you use the most in FleetWave?

“We previously used manual logbooks and spreadsheets to record vehicle movement, so the journey logging functionality is key for us, that’s helping us understand better how our fleet is used because we operate across so many territories.” 


Has FleetWave supported your transition to EV’s?

“Save the Children is committed to reducing its carbon emissions and knowing usage is really important, because we can start being more systematic in how we plan our fleet and manage utilization. We are also looking at what types of vehicles we have in our fleet and trying to dispose of or replace the oldest ones, potentially with hybrid and electronic vehicles in context where the infrastructure allows.

It’s great to be working with Chevin and we’re excited about the transformation we’re doing on our global fleet.”

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