Case study

Interview with City of Las Cruces

By Ellen Sowerby
09 March 2023

We spoke to Ruben Romero, Service Writer at City of Las Cruces about using FleetWave to manage over 1000 vehicles and assets!



Las Cruces is the second-largest city in the U.S. state of New Mexico and the seat of Doña Ana County. The City of Las Cruces government has been using our fleet management system FleetWave since 2019 to manage over 900 vehicles and 700 pieces of equipment.


What is your role in your organisation?

I am a Service Writer and I help out throughout with the technicians and the foremen. I render the bookings, I also create work orders and set up the outsourcing for vehicles that are crash cars. From crash cars to outsourcing for DOT’s (Department of Transport), anything like that.


How do you use FleetWave in your organisation?

The value is geared more towards the fleet side. The previous programme that we used was not geared for what we do as far as vehicles. It was more of a general type of programme whereas with FleetWave we see those fleet specific type of drop downs. It’s geared towards the vehicles themselves and what you do as you manage an actual fleet of vehicles. There’s nothing that excessive or anything that we don’t need, and if we do run into something we don’t need we work on getting that removed. So it’s been a real benefit for us to utilise our programme. 


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